Show an archive of the sent newsletters

If you want to display an archive of the sent emails, you can use the widget named "AcyMailing: newsletter archive":

Make sure to select the widget with the blue icon, the other one is the legacy for older version


  • Title: The text displayed above the campaigns archive

  • Campaigns number per page: The number of campaigns shown in the archive

  • Lists: By default all the sent campaigns are listed, but you can choose to only display campaigns sent to specific lists

  • Open the campaigns in a popup: When clicking on the listed campaigns, it either opens a preview of it in a popup or in a new tab

  • Filter campaigns with connected subscriber lists: You can choose to display all campaigns or only the ones the currently logged in user received.


The widget will appear in the zone you chose.

By clicking on an email subject, the email appear in a popup.

Last updated